Why Hire a Nurse Writer?

By: Abby McCoy, RN BSN

A nurse writer can give you health content no one else can. Nurse writers have the medical knowledge to write with authority, but also have deep-seated compassion for their audience, just as they do for their patients.

Nurse Writers Speak with Authority

To become a nurse, I went to school for four years to earn my bachelor’s degree. I slogged through human anatomy. I cried through pharmacology. I was once told I “studied too hard.”

Nurses Have Seen A Lot

After nursing school, I hit the ground running on a trauma floor at the university hospital. We had heavy patient loads and saw a myriad of injuries. Stabbings, gunshot wounds, amputations (scheduled and accidental), and more traumatic brain injuries than I could count.

I saw lots of patients detoxing from alcohol and various drug addictions. (Don’t do drugs!) I dodged punches, kicks, and every nasty name you can think of.

Nurses Have a Wide Range of Experience

On the various floors and in various homes I have worked in, I have managed a huge catalog of medical devices: tracheostomies, chest tubes, colostomy bags, and IVs of all sorts, to name a few. I have advocated for patients and their families, sometimes going head-to-head with other members of the health team.

I have walked patients through post-operative care, transplants, spinal surgery, suicidal episodes, and the aftermath of gang violence. When you hire a nurse writer, know that you are tapping into a depth of experience and knowledge unique to our profession.

Nurse Writers Know How to Communicate Well

Nurses often have to help patients understand medical terminology. Some doctors are fantastic at explaining what’s going on, but usually, patients need a little nurse-led debrief after they’ve seen the physician for the day.

When people are in distress, they need information delivered with compassionate simplicity. No confusing medical speak. We should say throat instead of trachea. Tummy instead of abdomen (for all my pediatric patients). Broken face instead of orbital fracture. You get it.

Nurse writers can communicate difficult and complex medical information with language that effuses calm, clarity, and solutions. Our hard-learned ability to provide bedside education flows very naturally into health content writing.

Hire a Nurse Writer

If you need health content, a nurse writer may be your best bet. We understand the subject matter, but we also understand your readers. I can’t speak for all nurse writers, but as a nurse, I have learned to take direction well, listen closely, pay attention to detail, and work quickly.

If you need health content, please feel free to reach out!



How to Write Trustworthy Health Content